Monday, October 10, 2011

I just realized that the Pixies are easily my favorite band. I am literally always in the mood to hear anything by them, and I inevitably feel much better about life in general after doing so. It's crazy how every time I listen to one of their songs, my ears prick up and are all like "Whoa, what was that noise?! And what did that lyric mean? We [Ramona's ears] have never felt this way'...s as if some part of us that was hidden so deep within our canals we never even knew it existed has been awoken from its apathy-induced slumber. Oh my, it feels as though this irresistable melody has caused our drums to explode, blasting away all that icky wax that had built up inside of us--and boy, does it feel good! What IS this magical noise?? Must. Hear. More!"
Here is one of my favorite Pixie songs:

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